Akhirnya Bisa Berkata? Tidak Juga - Sebuah Coretan Kelam.

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ketika kehampaan hanya bisa berdiam diri
menarik tabir untuk menutup hati
saat itu lah harusnya kami berjaga
dari segala kebusukan imaji
yang kadang membuang asa

butuh waktu untuk bisa kembali
ini tak semudah pelari, berlari

rasanya hampa
ini hampa, Tuhan

ke mana suara, saat dibutuhkan
menumpahkan mimpi dan bayangan kelam
yang menggerogoti ruang terdalam?

ke mana perginya keberanian,
untuk berkata dan meminta
tanpa berpikir hasil akhirnya?

ke mana?

terkadang mudah menarik luka baru dari luka yang sudah ada
kalau sudah begini,
sulit untuk berhenti.

kita akan mati.


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menyelami kedurjanaan dalam kepiluan masa silam.

120 Questions of Life.

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Found these on SheBlog, i thought it's going to be fun. So i did answer the question.
Check out, if you could find something has missing xD.

1: Who did you last say "I love you" to? - Sotja
2: Do you regret it? - tentu saja tidak. I'd say 'i love yous' ribuan kali lagi.
3: Have you ever been depressed? - yes. Im a human.
4: Do you like dinosaurs? - i don't hate them.
5: Are you insecure? - kinda.
6: What is your relationship status? - 4 years marriage. Still going, in our way.
7: How do you want to die? - many ways. But not on a zombie apocalypse or stupid high-school's war.
8: What did you last eat? - homemade spaghetti.
9: Have you played any sports? - yep. Volleyball, football, basketball, runnball...
10: Do you have an attitude? - yes. It's called 'ajeng banget' attitude.
11: Do you like someone? - in a way, to eating them? no.
12: What is your real name? - ajeng safitri riandarini.
13: Have you ever read a book? - yes.
14: Do you hate anyone at the moment? - not really.
15: Do you miss someone? - no.
16: Twirl or cut your spaghetti? - twirl. But cut it first before it cooked.
17: Do you tan a lot? over the summer? - i do tan. Not on summer tho.
18: Have any pets? - used to.
19: How exactly are you feeling? - now? kinda excited. Got a thing and two in my mind. Including, cookies and chalks.
20: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving: - absotively.
21: Good driver? - no.
22: Are you scared of spiders? - ha ha... 
23: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? - yes. To living my life, once again.
24: Do you regret anything from your past? - sometimes. But then i thought, it's stupid. I should be more grateful.
25: What are your plans for this weekend? - supposely go to POLUS' reunion. But i don't have cash. So i'll do chalking with Sotja.
26: Do you want to have kid? - already. Yes.
27: Do you type fast? - last tes, 78 wpm.
28: Do you have piercings? - yes.
29: Want anymore? - kinda
30: Can you spell well? - yes.
31: Do you miss anyone from your past? - my old friends.
32: What are you craving right now? - cookies ingredients. Craving to make some!!
33: Ever been to a bonfire party? - nope.
34: Ever had a silly band? - ha ha... yes.
35: Have you ever been on a horse? - yes! and no more, please!
36: Have you ever broken someones heart? - how am i suppose to know? but i guess, yes. 
37: Have you ever been cheated on? - i think so.
38: Are you thinking of someone right now? - Won Bin. Because i was going to watched his movie when i hit on this.
39: Would you live with someone without marrying them? - in term of friendship, yes.
40: What should you be doing? - watching Won Bin's while doing my expenses.
41: Whats irritating you right now? - ingus.
42: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?- yes.
43: Does somebody love you? - yes.
44: What is your favorite color? - black and grey and purple.
45: Have you ever changed clothes in a car? - yes.
46: Milk chocolate or white chocolate? - Dark, please.
47: Do you have trust issues? - not really. I've never been that open. yet.
48: Best friends name? - Dhany.
49: 2nd best friends name? - 
50: 3rd best friends name?
51: Who was the last person you cried in front of? - sotja.
52: Do you give out second chances too easily? - yes.
53: Is it easier to forgive or forget? - forgive. But if you forgiving, you should forgetting too.
54: What was your childhood nickname? - kakak. Atun. Neneng Ajengwati.
55: Favorite food? - i tell you un-favorite one: anything raw and made of fish.
60: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?? - yes. Tho the reason is unimportante.
61: Did you have dream last night? - i guess.
62: Have you ever been out of state? - yes.
63: Do you play the wii? - nope.
64: Are you listening to music right now? - yes. Randomly on my iTunes. Been on Ataris, NFG and Nidji.
65: Do you like chinese food? - yes.
66: Who are you texting right now? - my phone's dead.
67: Are you afraid of the dark? - no.
68: Is cheating ever okay? - sometimes.
69: Are you mean? - sometimes.
70: Can you keep white shoes clean? - no.
71: What year has been your best? - 2002 - present, next, future.
72: Do you believe in true love? - yes. 
73: Favorite weather? - cloudy and doomey.
74: Do you like the snow? - i like it.
75: Does it snow a lot where you live? - no.
76: Do you like the outside? - yes.
77: Do you wanna get married? - already.
78: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? - no.
79: Are you hungry? - not really.
80: What makes you happy? - music.
81: Would you change your name? - no.
82: Ever been to Alaska? - no.
83: Ever been to Hawaii? - no.
84: Do you watch the news? - not anymore.
85: What's your zodiac sign? - gemini.
86: Do you like subway? - never been on it.
87: Do you talk like your friends? - yes.
88: Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? yes.
89: Do you have a friend of the opposite gender who you can act your complete self around? - yes.
100: Who was the last person of the opposite gender you talked to? - Dhany.
101: Do you feel good? - yes.
102: Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - no one.
103: Can you count to one million? - i can. But i don't want to.
104: Are your finger nails painted at the moment? - yes.
105: Favorite number? - 5 8
106: If you could pick two people your own age or younger to be stuck on a stranded island with, who would it be? - Dhany and Sotja.
107: Are you a hunter? - no.
108: Tall or short? - average.
109: Favorite subject in school? - bahasa.
110: What 5 people do you trust the most?
111: Who do you think has amazing hair? - me. And anyone who has shaggy and layered-messy hair, like me.
112: Parents divorced? - yes.
113: What city do you live in? - Tangerang.
114: Where were you born? Jakarta.
115: Recliner or couch? - couch.
116: What two people do you miss talking to? - 
117: Who will you be with this weekend? - Dhany and Sotja.
118: City or country? - Canada!
119: Water or soda? - soda.
120: Was this a waste of my time? - no. Ha ha!

Sotja's Everyday Styles

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Ini namanya Sotja. Dan ini gayanya sehari-hari.

Bukan Kalah.

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Berdasarkan quick count dan membaca lini masa, presiden pilihan ndak menang.

Ini bukan kekalahan. Ini awal perjalanan.

Banyak yang mendukung Pak JKW-JK, mari kita lihat, apakah ia akan berani menentang 'tugas partai' demi kebangsaan?

Sedikit Iris... Tidak Ada Kamu Di Situ.

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...  and i'd give up forever to touch you...
In this world that everything made to be broken.

I don't want the world to see me,
Cause i don't think that they'd understand... 

I just want you to know who i am.

-karena selalu ada masanya, kita harus menyerah. Ada-

ke lagu ke labu